by Karen Sargent
You are the light of the world. A city on a hill can’t be hidden. Neither do you light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand and it shines to all who are in the house. Matthew 5:13-15
One night I received a fresh revelation of this when we were leaving an evening church service. I was drawn to the contrast between the darkness of the night sky and the brightness of our headlights. That scene was an illustration to me that each one of us is a light in this world. We’ve all heard or sung the song “This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine”. But it’s real. We really do light up the world.
Because He who is the Light of the world is in you
It’s been said that we have nothing to give until we first receive. The source of our light is our Lord. Psalm 27:1 says “The Lord is my light and my salvation”. When we spend time with the Son we fill up our tanks and receive guidance. Then we are able to share our light with others. Son light- the eternal renewable resource! It struck me as we were leaving the parking lot that we were like those headlights, meant to shine and bring light to the dark world out there.
Don’t underestimate the effectiveness of your light
Your light matters- to God, and to those you share it with. Matthew 5 says we are the salt and the light in this world. The Lord needs us in this world to show other people His goodness, grace, and love. Our good works bring Him glory. Salt enhances the taste of food and is also used as a preservative. Maybe that’s why Psalm 34:8 says “Taste and see that the Lord is good”. We affect others with our headlights. We can make them desire more of God. Like lighthouses, our light can be a beacon to bring hope, and guidance.
The Closer you are the brighter the light
The headlights of your car are the brightest to things that are close to them. All those you know, love and come in contact with in your daily life are the people you are able to reach. Those who are near to you are your sphere of influence. It’s important to remember that you carry your light to people that even your pastor may not be able to reach. Because you go places that others don’t, you affect people that others do not have access to. Don’t discount your ability to testify and glorify God. If you want to reach more people, ask God to expand your circle.
How do you shine the light to your family?
Our family sees the most of us. They see how you live your life. Day in and day out they see how we handle the curve balls of life. How do you show them the light? That is often the toughest because we are the most intimate, transparent and vulnerable with our family.
Our youth pastor said there are two groups of teens that are really hungry for Jesus right now. The first group is those who haven’t met Him, or heard about Him in their home. They are very hungry for what they haven’t had. But the second group is the children of parents who live what they believe. Seeing their parents live for Jesus has created a desire for more. What an opportunity to leave a legacy to our children and grandchildren.
Lasting Effect
I had a thought about these headlights. What if we leave a lasting effect on the people we come in contact with? Have you ever left a conversation or interaction and it stuck with you for some time? Has anyone ever brightened your day, and then you were able to pass that on?
What if we see ourselves as torches? First we get close to the Son, our source, and our light is strengthened and brightened. As we burn bright, we can share our light everywhere we go and make the world a better place. Then with some people, we pass it on and it makes their light brighter. Then they go pass it on to those around them. And the love of God spreads like wildfire!
Scriptures about light
Jesus says I am the Light of the world, he who follows me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life in John 8:12
Your word is a lamp unto my feet a light unto my path. Psalm 119:105
Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:16
Go Light Your World by Kathy Troccoli
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