Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift! 2 Corinthians 9:15
Express the Love of the Father
My friends, one of the greatest celebrations of the year is the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus, the Messiah. This is a great season for us to express the love of the Father. It’s a time when people’s hearts seem to be more open. So we need to take this opportunity to share the love of the Father by blessing them.
Ask the Holy Spirit for Help
To begin with, remember, we are here to help each other to get home. At one time we all were lost and someone took the time to express the love of the Father to us. Think about what drew you to the Father. How did the Holy Spirit draw your heart to His?
Then, whether it’s at Christmastime or not, ask the Holy Spirit to give you someone to reach out to. The Holy Spirit will give you the right things to say and will prick their hearts to receive His love. If you will minister to their physical needs, the Holy Spirit will minister to their hearts.
We often talk about Jesus being the “Reason for the Season”. Yes He is and He’s so much more. He’s our reason for being. As we follow Him we will do what He did. express the love of the Father.
He is the best gift we have ever received and the good news is we can give the gift of His love to everyone around us. Sometimes we aren’t sure how to do that. The easiest way to share the love with someone is by ministering to their needs. That’s what Jesus did- He went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed. Acts 10:38
Practical Ways to Be a Blessing to Others
We often hear about those who are hard to buy for, or maybe the Holy Spirit will call our attention to someone we don’t know well.
First take note of their likes or preferences. If you see a coworker with a coffee cup every morning, bless them with a new coffee cup filled with something to put in their coffee, candy, or a gift card.
Second, do what you can to meet their needs. Put yourself in their shoes. Maybe the Holy Spirit will bring to your attention someone who looks cold. You could bless them with a scarf and gloves, or offer them a hot chocolate. I love to offer something to soothe a fussy child in a line or on a plane. I’ve been there and know that it’s not just an unhappy child, but also a stressed parent, and sometimes all the little one needs is a distraction.
Next, anticipate their needs. If it’s a delivery person or someone you see often, be prepared for the next time you see them. It will really make an impact that you have thought about them. For example, if you have something ready for them, like a cold drink if it’s hot, snacks or an extra sandwich if they may be hungry, it will make them feel special and show the love of the Father.
Be the Word!
The above examples are just a few ways you can express the love of the Father. That will open the door for the Holy Spirit to give you the words to encourage them and open their heart to Him.
Give someone the greatest gift of all, Jesus and eternal life. (John 3:16) At Christmastime and throughout the year, we can surely say to mankind, “Joy to the world!”