How to Unlock the Power of Praise

by Karen Sargent

Have you noticed that the book of Psalms is by far the longest book in the Bible?  The translation of the word psalms in Hebrew is praises or to make music in praise of God. While all of the Bible is necessary, the length of this book is a testimony to the importance of praise in our lives.

Let’s explore three ways to unlock the power of praise. 

Three Ways To Unlock The Power Of Praise

1. Praise is our access to God’s victory

2. Praise is our way out

3. Praise silences the enemy

Praise Gives Us Access

Our praise gives God a place of honor in our lives. In doing that, it also gives us access to His power and victory.

Psalm 22:3 says that He inhabits the praises of his people. Another word for inhabit in the Hebrew means to sit upon, or be seated. So that means our praises give Him a throne to sit on. As our praises give Him a position of honor, we also give Him authority in our lives. Then His authority gives us access to His victory. Psalm 106:47 says there is “triumph in Your praise.”

Praise is preparing the way for God to intervene. Starting our services with praise and worship invites Father God in. Acknowledging His Sovereignty, our praises put him in authority. We invite Him to come and take His place among us. Then His presence in our situation gives us access to His victory. Just like in Joshua 6, the praise sets the stage. God told Joshua to send the musicians and praise first. Then came the fall of the walls of Jericho. Praise goes before and opens the way for God’s intervention.

Praise Is Our Way Out

Second, the psalms are also where we find many of the emotional highs and lows of David and the other psalmists. That’s a clear message that praise is the answer to our ups and downs in life. Praise takes our focus off the problem and puts the spotlight on our Father. As we consider His power, provision, protection and peace our problems shrink. The Psalms have often given me comfort.

Our way out is through praise.  Praise looks back at the situation from the viewpoint of success. A triumph is the celebration of a victory that was already won. So, when we praise God we are celebrating the victory before we see it. 2 Corinthians 2:14 Thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ.

Praising God in the middle of a problem is done by faith. The most important time to praise is when you don’t feel like it. That’s why it is called the sacrifice of praise in Jeremiah 33:11. Again, the Bible tells us Psalm 30:11-12 “You have turned for me my mourning into dancing; You have put off my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness, To the end that my glory may sing praise to You and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give thanks to You forever.” 

If you have a hard time praising God, read the psalms and let them be your praises. Acts 2:26 says “My heart rejoices and my tongue is my glory.” Our tongue is to be used to glorify the Lord.

Praise Silences the Enemy

Praise is a sacrifice and it pleases God. (Hebrews 13:15-16) It requires our faith when we don’t see a way out.

Psalm 8:2 shows us that praise is a spiritual weapon. It says “Out of the mouths of babes you have ordained praise that you may silence the avenger.” That means God imposes silence on the devil when we praise Him. Our praise is a powerful weapon. 

In Luke 19 The scribes were indignant about the praises Jesus was receiving. In verse 40 Jesus quotes Psalm 8:2 and then said “I tell you that if these should keep silent, the stones would immediately cry out.”

Praise is a weapon God has given us. Remember that it gives us access to God’s victory, and it provides a way out of our situation. Most importantly praise makes the enemy mute.

Derek Prince shared a story of a man who was at a small prayer meeting. The praises had gotten loud and the man said he was going to leave because he didn’t like the noise. Derek told him it was a demon who didn’t like the praise. He shared, “You can go and the demon will go with you or you can stay and the demon can go without you.” The man decided to stay and was delivered that day. Remember, praise embarrasses the devil.

Praise looks good on you!

But praise makes you look good! Isaiah 61:3 says the Lord will give you the garment of praise in the place of the spirit of heaviness. If you have been mourning and are depressed, praise is your exit door! However, putting on the garment of praise takes action.

What can you do? If it is difficult for you to praise, read the Psalms and offer them as praise to the Lord. Music is a wonderful help. Here’s a song to get you started.

Music is a wonderful help. 

Praise- Elevation Worship.