by Karen Sargent
I’ve been meditating on this scripture. “Make it your goal (ambition) to live a quiet life, minding your own business and working with your hands, just as we instructed you before.” 1 Thessalonians 4:11 It doesn’t seem to be a common goal.
What does it mean to live a quiet life?
I have been thinking about what a quiet life is. Is it even possible? The first image that comes to mind is a quiet house. I don’t know about you, but it’s a challenge for me to get a few quiet moments. Between family, work, friends and of course all things digital, the number of things that call for our attention is staggering. It seems increasingly difficult to keep first things first. For me this was a good reminder to be quiet on purpose. I am learning it has to be intentional.
What am I seeking?
The first thing to look at is what I am seeking. We know Matthew 6:33 says “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you.” It is so tempting to seek after the natural needs. We have physical and financial needs, but also the personal needs like the desire to be liked and recognized. Yes we all need those things, but when the center of our life is our relationship with the Father, all those things are added as well.
I’m learning that I really value having quiet time in my life, and that I need to seek it and guard it. To live a quiet life, I must have tranquil time built in. That means I need to have a plan that makes it a priority. I find the best times for me are first thing in the morning and the last thing in the evening. What is concerning to me is how easily the screens in my life take up my time. Yes, I ‘ve fallen prey to the click bait videos too.
What does the quiet do for me?
There’s a peace that settles over me when the house is calm. I work best in solitude, it helps me focus. That may be why I enjoy swimming so much; it’s quiet underwater! Of course it’s also easiest to hear the Father’s voice in the silence. So, I make it a habit to start and finish my day with tranquil things like reading or journaling. It’s my one on one time with the Lord. I usually have something on my mind to talk about, but I also try to sit silently with Him and practice being close. Sometimes I like to imagine that I’m sitting in his lap. I believe that peace has to start within myself in order to live a quiet life. I’m finding that I have to create distance between myself and the distractions. Even if that means leaving my phone in the other room.
Don’t stop there
The desire of the Father for us live a peaceful life, or a life full of peace. Jesus said My peace I give you , my peace I leave with you. The side effect of being at peace is that it helps us do the next part- work with our hands and help others.
Let’s face it, it’s easy to get self absorbed. However, that’s part of the problem. A quiet life that’s all about me is not fulfilling. Yes, God wants to meet with me and have alone time with me. But it’s not just for me. When my heart is full, I can give more to others. You know, you can’t fill others up if your tank is empty.
What do you do with a full tank?
You know there is a sense of freedom when your tank is full. There’s peace because you know you can move forward and do what needs to be done. It’s also important to share what you have been blessed with. That’s what gives our life meaning.
I will leave you with this. Love mercy, do justly, walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8 and of course, Be the Word!
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