A New Year is Here!

As we approach this new year everyone is believing for a better year than last year. Many people are saying that last year was a trying time, or a year that they do not want to repeat.  But we must understand that the Word says that God is working all things together for our good. That means what you are going through now and where you have been in life, whether good or bad, has prepared you for what is to come. 

Natural Process

When you look at the development of a child and watch how it grows and matures, you can see a progression.  You understand that rolling over is a part of the process toward beginning to crawl. Then crawling is the next step in the process toward walking. In a child’s mind, he has a desire for independence. Each child wants to be free to move about freely without being in someone’s arms. And it follows that when  we see the child pulling themselves up on their feet, we know it’s not long before they will begin to walk or take their first steps. What we’re looking at is someone becoming independent. 

Purpose in the process

This is the way challenges in life, trials, tribulation, persecution, mistakes, sickness, and lack – all of these things bring us to maturity by preparing us for the next season. We can see a process in our lives as well. It is important for us to take the sour parts of life like hurt and disappointments and add sugar to them. That is how we make lemonade from the lemons; how all things work together for good. 

Where we have been has prepared us

We are coming into a new year and a new season. Where we have been has prepared us for where we are going. Every season of life must change whether we think the changes are good or bad. There are always some parts we like and some things we don’t like in every process. 

Look where you have come from your childhood until now. In every life there have been many changes, some were easy and a number were hard. But if you look carefully, what we called the bad times have brought a greater change in us than the good times. So even in hardship, sickness, or pain, you learn to appreciate people and experiences and find a deeper meaning and value in life itself, in relationships, health and family. 

Even now

Even in this season, God is working it all together for your good. You may not see God moving, or understand how this could work out to your benefit. It may even be  painful, but for those who are called and chosen by God himself, it is working to your good. It is important to remember that the Lord said he would never leave us or forsake us. In the good times or trying  times, He is Emmanuel, God with us. He will work with us through every difficulty, and we will be better in the end. Your tragedy and your pain is bringing you to a place in Christ, that will cause you to have confidence that you have never experienced before. Because now you have experienced the goodness of God. The love of the Father is real to you because you have lived and experienced it. You are stronger, you are better because of those tough times. What the enemy meant for your harm, God is working in your favor. You must believe that the Father has ordered your steps and ordained your days.


 If you desire to be a doctor, there are certain classes or courses that you must take, whether you enjoy them or not. Without these courses you can never become a medical doctor. The same thing is true for you my friend. What you have been through has prepared you for this new season that you are stepping into. 

The best is yet to come

Remember that the best is yet to come for you, your family, and your ministry. The best days are ahead of you and not behind you. Suddenly you are going to see a change and a breakthrough. It will happen so suddenly that you will say, ” I did not see that coming.” Expect good things to come your way. Meditate on the positive and remember your past mistakes are not who you are. 

There is a time for every season

Take time and read Ecclesiastes 3. You will see even in Solomon’s days there were seasons and still today we have winter, spring, summer and fall. Each season causes you to have a desire for the next season. This is true in the natural and the spiritual. So it is important to meditate on what you desire. Talk about what you desire. Keep the Word of God before you both day and night because whatever stays before you day and night is what you are going to reproduce. 

Your future rests in your thinking

So the decision of your future rests in your mind and your thinking. The Father only has your best interest at heart as any father has for their child. He has defeated satan, so now we must do our part to overcome vain imaginations which try to live in our thoughts. Paul tells us in the Word that if we desire to change our world, we must change our thinking. So if 2024 is going to be better than your history, or past seasons, it must come through your meditation and affirmation.

Be The Word!