Three Things To Do When You Need A Breakthrough

 By Dr. Johnnie Blount

When my back is against the wall, and I need a breakthrough, I do three things. The following principles will help you receive your breakthrough as well.

Step One

First, I go to the Word. I read and pay attention to Words that speak to me. I find a Bible verse that supports what I need from the Lord. If I need a breakthrough in finances, or healing or whatever it may be, I find a promise that answers my request. 

I make that verse an affirmation that I repeat throughout the day. Sometimes I say it several times in an hour. This scripture causes me to have confidence in my prayers and affirmations. I’m speaking the Word, and I know the Word can’t lie.

Step 2 Sow A Seed

The second thing I do when I need a breakthrough, is sow a seed. This adds action to my faith. James 2:22 says ” Do you see that faith was working together with his works, and by works faith was made perfect? “

You see, money is a currency. That means it’s something that flows. When you walk into a store the first thing they ask is how they can help you. Your money is getting ready to transform itself from cash to become food, clothes or a vehicle. But nothing happens with the money until you speak it or release your request. Then once you release the money and call it what you want it to be, it becomes whatever you ask for.

We can see this in 2 Corinthians 9: 6. Paul says “He that sows sparingly will also reap sparingly. But he that sows abundantly will also reap abundantly.” Paul is talking about money becoming what you desire or need. 

Then we can see in the following verse that money covers 3 areas in our lives. 2 Corinthians 9:10 says “Now may He who supplies seed to the sower, and bread for food, supply and multiply the seed you have sown and increase the fruits of your righteousness.” The Amplified Bible says the fruits of your righteousness are goodness, kindness and love. So those will be increased along with your resources so that you can sow more. 

Sowing A Seed Releases My Faith 

Faith comes by hearing and hearing the Word of God. (Romans 10:17) When you are speaking the Word you are planting a seed in your heart, and you are building your faith for the breakthrough. Remember to ask, believe, and receive what you ask for. (Matthew 7:7-12) Otherwise, you have not because you ask not. (James 4:2)

Let Him Who Has Ears Hear

It’s important to listen and expect God to give you direction. God may speak to me in a variety of ways. Many times the Word regarding my breakthrough will come from another person. I can receive a Word through a scripture in a message from another minister. Sometimes people in your life will give you a word of knowledge without even knowing it. To the other person it may just be an idea, but it might be the guidance you have been asking for. 

Be sensitive to messages or themes that repeat. When you need a breakthrough, listen and look for God’s response. If you are not paying attention, you can miss it.

Step 3 You Have What You Say

There are three aspects of my process that involve your mouth. 1. Speak the Word. 2. Pray in the Spirit. 3. Then praise God for the breakthrough. 

1. When I find a scripture to stand on and lean into for my breakthrough, the first step is to speak the Word. Mark 11:23 For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says.”

It is so important to speak in agreement with the Word of God. For example if we say we are believing God for healing, then our words need to reflect that. We cancel our harvest if we speak contrary to the Word. If this is new to you, it may take practice.  

2. The second part is praying in the spirit. When I am standing on a scripture and speaking in agreement with it, great power is released. However, when I pray in the spirit, or in tongues, I bypass my knowledge and tap into the Holy Spirit. Jude 1:20 says we build up our faith when we pray in the Spirit. Romans says when we pray in the spirit the Holy Spirit intercedes on our behalf and prays the perfect will of God. (Romans 8:27)

3. The third thing my mouth needs to do is praise God for the answer to my prayers. Before I see it, I must receive it in my heart. In my spirit it must be a finished work. Of course, if you have received it, then thanksgiving and praise come naturally.

In Conclusion

Therefore the three most important things I do when I need a breakthrough are: First I find a scripture to stand on. Second,I sow a seed to add action to my faith. And third is to speak the Word, pray in the Holy Spirit, and thank God for the harvest on the seed sown. I have sown spiritually and physically. This causes me to have confidence in my faith because I know the principle works the same way every time. 

This is  how I have lived my life for the last forty years. I have personally seen breakthroughs and miracles occur by following these guidelines. My son, my wife, and I were healed in life threatening situations. We have received automobiles personally and for the ministry. We have received guidance and clarity for the ministry. We have received numerous financial breakthroughs following these steps as well. Believe God for your breakthrough, follow these principles, and expect the harvest!